วันอังคารที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Certificated Implant : My New Knowledge from SP Clinic


 When we are thinking about the breast surgery we always only think about the (perfect) result and skip the process of surgery that we should have known. I confess that I'm the one who have never been thinking about the process from the operation as much as I should have to do.

I read the topic from SP Clinic that they write about breast augmentation. The topic has shown us how many types of implants which mean it's very useful to all of those patients. The topic is obviously considering us how is it important to keep research the information and pay attention before we walk in and have the operation though.

In every procedure, the doctors will give an information and the facts of surgical process to the patients without acceptance. I was met Dr.Sompob Sansiri from SP Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand in a couple of times. For those who has never know anything about SP Clinic, Dr.Sansiri is the owner and the number one surgeon of the clinic (and perhaps No.1 in Bangkok though). He gave me a smile and nicely welcome at the first met.

The medical devices that they use to breast implants are quality solid silicone, rubber shell. The shell will be filled with sterile salt water or elastic silicone gel. Saline and silicone gel are approved by the U.S. FDA. This means the breast implant has been researched, tested and reviewed for your safety.

Breast implants are medical devices with a solid silicone, rubber shell. The implant shell may be filled with either saline solution (sterile salt water) or elastic silicone gel. Both saline and silicone gel breast implants are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Approval means that an implant has been rigorously researched and tested, and reviewed by an independent panel of physicians for safety.

A quote from SP Clinic also showing us about the knowledgement. I've found some messages and it's really interesting and you wouldn't be skpipped, such as this example:

 "We will measure your breasts in cubic centimeters (ccs) based on the volume of the saline or silicone filler.

    Texture: the implant shell may be smooth or textured
    Shape: the implant may have a round profile or one that is anatomic (teardrop or tapered shape)
    Profile: the implant may have a low, medium or high projection (the depth of the implant from the base to the highest point of the implant curve)
    Diameter: the width of the implant measured across it’s base (the side of the implant that will be positioned over the chest wall)"

Link to SP Clinic This VDO Testimonial
Link to SP Clinic Home Page

